Water quality studies using passive sampling
Ecométrique offers complete micropollutant monitoring studies, covering sampling strategy, selection and deployment of passive samplers, analysis of targeted molecules and interpretation of results.
R&D to meet your needs
Our dedication to research and development is at the heart of our excellence. If a passive sampling solution doesn’t exist, Ecométrique is your ideal partner for innovation. Contact us to explore new possibilities.
Data Sciences
In-depth analysis of your data, impactful visualizations or customized development solutions: discover our service offering
Our customers & partners
Micropollutants, from data to information
At Ecométrique, we understand that water quality is a crucial issue for everyone, from local authorities to industrial players. When faced with complex environmental challenges such as micropollutants, we offer tailor-made expertise. Our approach goes beyond the simple collection of data via passive sampling; we interpret the data acquired in the field to reveal the particularities and challenges of your territory. Our analyses transform data into clear insights, facilitating informed decision-making. With Ecométrique, transform your data into a strategic tool for more sustainable and efficient water management.
Micropollutant monitoring – Passive sampling
Operational studies
Would you like a follow-up study on your territory? Ecométrique takes care of everything. Study sizing, on-site deployment, analysis, interpretation, etc.
Passive sampling
Ecométrique offers a wide range of passive samplers to suit every situation: POCIS, DGT, o-DGT, Chemcatcher, …
Project management assistance
We support you in choosing the strategy to be implemented, drafting the call for tenders, monitoring the study and interpreting the data.
With many years’ experience in passive samplers, the Ecométrique team can train you in their operational use.
- Agglomeration: the dynamics of pharmaceutical residue discharge
- Tourist lake: assessment of pesticide & metabolite pathways in tributaries
- Impact study: monitoring a port construction site for metals and PAHs
- Pilots: average abatement study of pharmaceutical residue treatment pilots
- WWTP: assessment of the ecotoxicological impact of discharges on the receiving environment
- Watershed head: study of pesticide trajectories in areas of high agricultural pressure
- Industry: study of the free fraction of metals in discharges
. . .
Would you like to find out more about passive sampling?
It's Here !Data Sciences
Are you looking for expertise in environmental data analysis? We have the solution for you!
We collect the data for you, process it using automation scripts and the best datascience libraries to provide you with relevant information.
Data analysis
Add value and context to your geospatial and temporal data, thanks to descriptive statistics and machine learning algorithms.
Visualizations / Interfaces
Graphics, interactive maps or dashboards: we transform complex data into easy-to-understand visual information, making it easier to explain, communicate and support decision-making.
Custom development
We develop tailor-made SaaS solutions to meet specific and complex needs (modeling, API integration, advanced data processing).
Contract Research & Development
Passive sampling
Our approach to research and development is focused on the constant evolution and improvement of our passive samplers. This includes significant structural modifications and advances in the diffusion phases to ensure optimum performance and reliability.
Sampler calibration
Depending on your needs and problems, we calibrate samplers on your molecules of interest under optimal conditions.
Ecométrique stands out as a deepTech startup, acclaimed by BPI France and supported by the Agence de L’eau Adour-Garonne for its deep commitment to research and development. Our close collaboration with the E2LIM research laboratory at the University of Limoges underlines our commitment to innovation, which is deeply rooted in our DNA. By forging strong links with university researchers, doctors, engineers and other experts in environmental metrology, we ensure that we are always at the forefront of technology. At Ecométrique, our symbiosis with research constantly reinforces our capacity for innovation.
A few examples of deployments
Our approach to research and development is focused on the constant evolution and improvement of our passive samplers. This includes significant structural modifications and advances in the diffusion phases to ensure optimum performance and reliability.
Passive samplers are widely used in these environments, and their use in rivers has been well established for many years.
Nos clients/partenaires : SUEZ, Syndicat mixte SMC79, Fondation Fayhai, Communauté d’Agglomération du Bassin d’Aurillac (CABA), Département des Landes, …
When deployed for a few days in raw or treated water, passive samplers provide average concentrations that are invaluable for analyzing actual micropollutant flows.
Our customers/partners : IFTS, Labocéa, Limoges Métropole, Département des Landes, …
Our customers/partners : Véolia, CTE Lim
Passive samplers can be used in a variety of other contexts. They are particularly useful in the marine environment for environmental impact studies (port or offshore wind farm construction sites). Passive samplers also offer numerous advantages in water catchment areas intended for human consumption (AEP), due to their ability to integrate and concentrate micropollutants over a given period, thus providing a global and accurate view of water quality.
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Upcoming events
Congrès Internationnal IPSW
Du 12 au 14 mai 2024, nous présenterons nos derniers travaux de recherche sur l’échantillonnage passif à l’International Passive Sampling Workshop (IPSW) à Limoges, + d’infos
Salon Cycl’EAU Toulouse
Retourvez nous les 27 et 28 mars au salon Cycl’Eau Toulouse sur le stand commun SOLTENA.
Rencontres NéoBusiness en Nouvelle Aquitaine
Retrouvez nous le 14 Mars aux rencontres NéoBusiness Nouvelle Aquitaines organisées à Limoges. Tables rondes, rencontres BtoB, …
Journée technique : Micropolluants – Piégeage par les stations de traitement des eaux usées
Le Centre Technique de l’Eau de Limoges organise de 14 novembre à Limoges une journée technique sur les Micropolluants et leur piégeage pas les stations d’épuration. Ecométrique présentera + d’infos
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